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DataSets Methods

The DataSets type exposes the following members.

Public methodEquals A DataSets object is equal to another DataSets object with an equal data set for each DataSpec that it was created with.
(Overrides ObjectEquals(Object))
Public methodGetAverage Returns the AverageDataSet that was generated to fulfil the specified AverageDataSpec from the request, or throws a SourceDataException if no such data set could be generated.
Public methodGetBase Returns the DataSetBase that was generated to fulfil the specified DataSpec from the request, or throws a SourceDataException if no such data set could be generated.
Public methodGetBaseWithKey For unusual use cases, this enables you to access the DataSetBase objects using the string keys that are usually managed internally.
Public methodGetDated Returns the DatedDataSet that was generated to fulfil the specified DatedDataSpec from the request, or throws a SourceDataException if no such data set could be generated.
Public methodGetHashCode Overridden to ensure consistency with Equals.
(Overrides ObjectGetHashCode)
Public methodGetTimeSeries Returns the TimeSeriesDataSet that was generated to fulfil the specified TimeSeriesDataSpec from the request, or throws a SourceDataException if no such data set could be generated.
Public methodToString Returns a non-null, non-empty string representation of this instance for logging and debugging purposes.
(Overrides ObjectToString)
See Also