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DataSpecsCustomKeyBuilderAdd Method

Adds a unique key and the DataSpec to be associated with it.

Namespace: DegreeDays.Api.Data
Assembly: DegreeDays (in DegreeDays.dll) Version: 1.4
public DataSpecsCustomKeyBuilder Add(
	string key,
	DataSpec dataSpec


key  String
A string to be used as the key for dataSpec in the XML request and response. Cannot be null, cannot be empty, cannot have more than 60 characters, and cannot contain characters outside of [-_.a-zA-Z0-9]. (Note that we might expand this set of allowed characters at some point. Please let us know if you'd like us to.)
dataSpec  DataSpec
The non-null DataSpec to be added and associated with key.

Return Value

this, for method chaining.
ArgumentNullExceptionkey or dataSpec is null.
FormatExceptionkey does not match the required specification.
ArgumentExceptionA DataSpec has already been added with key.
See Also