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Builder Methods

The DataSetsBuilder type exposes the following members.

Public methodAdd(DataSpec, DataSetBase) Adds an association between a DataSpec from the request and a data set from the response, without dealing directly with the string keys that are used in the XML.
Public methodAdd(String, DataSetBase) Adds an association between a string key from a DataSpec in the request and a data set from the response.
Public methodAddFailure(DataSpec, Failure) Adds an association between a DataSpec from the request and a Failure from the response, without dealing directly with the string keys that are used in the XML.
Public methodAddFailure(String, Failure) Adds an association between a string key from a DataSpec in the request and a Failure from the response.
Public methodBuild Returns a new DataSets object created according to the specification held by this builder.
See Also