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LongLat Constructor

Constructs a LongLat object with the specified longitude and latitude (take care not to mix these up).

Namespace: DegreeDays.Geo
Assembly: DegreeDays (in DegreeDays.dll) Version: 1.4
public LongLat(
	double longitude,
	double latitude


longitude  Double
A double between -180 and 180 (both inclusive) representing the West/East coordinate. A zero longitude value represents a line passing to the rear of the Royal Observatory, Greenwich (near London in the UK). Negative values are to the West of that line (e.g. locations in the US all have negative longitude values), and positive values are to the East of that line.
latitude  Double
A double between -90 and 90 (both inclusive) representing the South/North coordinate. -90 represents the South Pole, 90 represents the North Pole, and 0 represents the equator.
ArgumentOutOfRangeExceptionEither the longitude or latitude value is outside of its allowed range.
ArgumentExceptionEither the longitude or latitude value is NaN.

Much longitude/latitude confusion comes from the fact that people (even geographers) commonly speak of "latitude and longitude", though the co-ordinates are usually expressed in longitude-latitude order (which follows the usual convention of describing x before y in coordinate systems).

See Also