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DayTryFromString Method

Tries to parse a string date in ISO YYYY-MM-DD format (the format used by XML schema's date type), or YYYYMMDD format. Returns true if it succeeds.

Namespace: DegreeDays.Time
Assembly: DegreeDays (in DegreeDays.dll) Version: 1.4
public static bool TryFromString(
	string s,
	out Day result


s  String
A string representation of a date, in YYYY-MM-DD or YYYYMMDD format with an optional '+' in front.
result  Day
When this method returns, contains the Day represented by s if the parsing succeeded, or the default Day if it failed.

Return Value

true if the parsing succeeded, false if it failed.
ArgumentNullExceptions is null.

Both formats can optionally have a '+' in front - XML schema doesn't allow the '+', but ISO does.

See Also