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LocationDataResponse Properties

The LocationDataResponse type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDataSets Gets the non-null DataSets object containing the sets of data generated to fulfil the DataSpecs from the LocationDataRequest that led to this response.
Public propertyMetadata Gets a non-null ResponseMetadata object containing metadata sent back with the response from the API servers, including details of the account's current rate limit.
(Inherited from Response)
Public propertySources Gets the non-null, non-empty list of source(s) (essentially weather stations) that were used to generate the data in this response.
Public propertyStationId Gets the non-null, non-empty canonical ID of the weather station or combination of weather stations that supplied the temperature data used to calculate the returned degree days.
Public propertyTargetLongLat Gets the non-null LongLat that specifies the geographic position of the Location from the LocationDataRequest that led to this response.
See Also