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RegressionTestPlan Properties

The RegressionTestPlan type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDayNormalization Gets the DayNormalization to be used in the regression process.
Public propertyExtraPredictorKeys Returns the non-null, possibly-empty set of extra-predictor keys that this RegressionTestPlan has ExtraPredictorSpec objects for.
Public propertyHasCustomTestCoolingBaseTemperatures Returns true if a custom set of base temperatures is to be used for the CDD in the regressions tested by the API, or false if the API should choose the test cooling base temperatures automatically.
Public propertyHasCustomTestHeatingBaseTemperatures Returns true if a custom set of base temperatures is to be used for the HDD in the regressions tested by the API, or false if the API should choose the test heating base temperatures automatically.
Public propertyRequestedRegressionSpecs Returns a non-null possibly-empty set of specifications for regressions that the API is specifically instructed to test and return (on top of any others that it will test and potentially return anyway).
Public propertyTemperatureUnit Gets the TemperatureUnit that specifies whether Celsius-based or Fahrenheit-based degree days should be used in regressions.
See Also