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DegreeDays.Api.Regressions Namespace

For using the API to run regressions against your energy-usage data.
Public classBaseloadRegressionComponent Contains details of the baseload component (non-weather-dependent energy usage) in a regression.
Public classDegreeDaysRegressionComponent Contains details of a heating or cooling component in a regression, with the base temperature and degree days used, as well as the usual coefficient and stats.
Public classExtraPredictorSpec Defines an extra predictor in terms of its PredictorType and ExpectedCorrelation, to help the API test and rank regressions that include data for that extra predictor.
Public classExtraRegressionComponent Contains details of an extra-predictor component in a regression.
Public classInputData Defines the energy data (and any extra-predictor data) that the API should run regressions against.
Public classInputPeriod Defines a dated period with its energy usage and any extra-predictor figures.
Public classRegression Contains details of a regression model that the API calculated using the InputData you provided and, typically, HDD and/or CDD as well.
Public classRegressionApi Provides easy, type-safe access to the API's regression-related operations.
Public classRegressionComponent Contains details of a regression component e.g. the baseload (b*days) or the heating (h*HDD) component in a regression like E = b*days + h*HDD.
Public classRegressionRequest Defines a request for the API to test regressions against the specified energy data (InputData) using degree days from the specified Location.
Public classRegressionResponse Contains a selection of the regressions that the API tested against your RegressionRequest, with the Regression that gave the best statistical fit listed first.
Public classRegressionSpec Defines a specification of a regression in terms of its HDD and/or CDD base temperature(s) and any extra predictors to be included.
Public classRegressionTestPlan Defines how the API should test regressions against the InputData you provide it.
Public structureDayNormalization Defines the day normalization used in the regression process – an important consideration when periods of energy usage cover different lengths of time.
Public structureExpectedCorrelation Defines how an extra predictor's figures are expected to correlate with energy usage (whether larger predictor numbers lead to larger or smaller energy usage).
Public structurePredictorType Defines an extra predictor's figures as being cumulative (increasing with time and naturally larger over longer periods) or average (normalized such that the length of the period has no effect).
Public structureRegressionTag Tags that the API adds to Regression objects to indicate why it included them in a RegressionResponse.

If you are new to this package, we suggest you start by looking at RegressionApi.