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InputData Class

Defines the energy data (and any extra-predictor data) that the API should run regressions against.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: DegreeDays.Api.Regressions
Assembly: DegreeDays (in DegreeDays.dll) Version: 1.4
public sealed class InputData

The InputData type exposes the following members.

Public methodInputData(IEnumerableInputPeriod) Constructs an InputData object containing the specified InputPeriod objects.
Public methodInputData(InputPeriod) Constructs an InputData object containing the specified InputPeriod objects.
Public methodInputData(InputPeriod, InputPeriod) Constructs an InputData object containing the specified InputPeriod objects.
Public propertyExtraPredictorKeys Gets the non-null, possibly-empty, immutable set of extra-predictor keys that this InputData (and each InputPeriod within it) has extra-predictor figures for.
Public propertyFullRange Gets the DayRange indicating the total period of time covered by this InputData object (including any gaps between its input periods).
Public propertyPeriods Gets the non-null, non-empty, chronologically-ordered list of the InputPeriod objects that make up this InputData.
Public methodEquals Returns true if obj is an InputData object containing equal InputPeriod objects (same dates, same usage values, and same extra-predictor keys and figures).
(Overrides ObjectEquals(Object))
Public methodGetHashCode Overridden to ensure consistency with Equals.
(Overrides ObjectGetHashCode)
Public methodToString Returns a non-null, non-empty string representation of this instance for logging and debugging purposes.
(Overrides ObjectToString)

An InputData object is essentially a chronologically-ordered set of InputPeriod objects, with each one specifying a dated period and the energy usage (and optionally any extra-predictor figures) for that period.

The regression API docs on our website have more information and code samples.

Requirements of the InputPeriod objects that make up an InputData object

Input periods must be consecutively ordered, and cannot overlap. Gaps between input periods are OK though.

If any input periods have extra-predictor figures, then all input periods must have figures for the same extra-predictor keys.

The minimum number of input periods required is:

minimumNumberOfInputPeriods = 3 + numberOfExtraPredictors

Though this is just a bare minimum – you cannot hope for good regression results unless you have considerably more input periods than this. We recommend at least:

recommendedMinimumNumberOfInputPeriods = 10 + numberOfExtraPredictors

InputData allows a maximum of 1096 input periods. This is enough to cover 3 years of daily data (with one of those years being a leap year).

Thread Safety
Instances of this class are immutable. You can safely reuse them and call them from multiple threads at once.
Version History
1.4 This was added in version 1.4.
See Also